Mental Health Treatment Plans

A new MHTP is prepared using one of several MBS items: 2700, 2701, 2715 or 2717 depending on length of time taken for the consultation and if you have been assessed as having mental health skills training.

Even though a new MHTP can be prepared once 12 months has passed, since 1 November 2017, MHTPs have no expiry date.  

However, if your patient is new to your practice and has not been able to locate their previous MHTP, it is appropriate for you to prepare a new MHTP.

It is not a requirement that GPs provide the mental health practitioner with a copy of the MHTP.  GPs must have consent from their patients to provide a copy of the MHTP, and this may not always be forthcoming.  However, it can be useful for the mental health practitioner and will provide your patient with another place where their MHTP can be kept safely should they move away from your practice.

When should I do a review of the MHTP? »